Five Simple Tips Will Help You To Make A Web Development Career Today

We meet many people who would like to train in Web development and launch a new career but simply don’t know where to start. Should they learn to code? Get experience at a startup? Come up with an idea for their own business?

In this post we’re going to discuss first what steps to take and in what order to take them when you’re first starting out, and what you should do as a beginners it's Simple and easy and i will walk you through it Step-by-step

1.Write Clean Code

The first thing you realize when you start making large applications is that a huge amount of time is required for debugging. Often, you’ll spend more time debugging than writing new code.

In such a situation, it’s highly important you write properly indented and commented code, which adheres to best practices. Imagine you have hundreds of lines of code, and you have no idea what’s causing a small bug. 

What’s worse is that if you write unreadable code, you’ll probably fail to understand what each snippet does after some time. Are you sure you want to go down that path?

 2. Language first, framework later

People often first learn the tricks of a framework, and then move on to the language. That’s actually not the right way to go.

The popularity of Django can be attributed to the strengths of Python — so it’s important that you get comfortable with Python before trying out Django and not the other way round

The simple reason here is that if you know about the underlying language, it helps you understand how the framework works. If you have no idea about the trades of a a language, there is no way you will understand why something is done a certain way in the framework.

3. Learn JavaScript, not jQuery

 Getting a bit more specific than the idea raised above, I would like to give special emphasis to JavaScript, which is the most accessible language in the world. Any device with a browser is capable of running a JavaScript application.

The mistake that young developers often make is to “learn jQuery”. Questions like these on Quora suggest that jQuery is a very popular option among people who have no idea how the underlying JavaScript works!

jQuery is just a set of wrapper functions written over JavaScript and the only reason people prefer jQuery is because of the fewer number of lines of code required.

 However, recent versions of JavaScript (or ECMAScript as it is originally known as) have made the syntax more user friendly, making many jQuery functions obsolete.

4. Jack of all trades, Master of one

It’s good to explore new technologies, but one must remember to stick to one for most purposes. It’s always tempting for beginners to learn multiple languages at the same time, but it’s advisable to stick to one until you develop a certain level of mastery over it.

Once you have a go-to language for your day-to-day needs, you can move on to new ones. You may also changed your preferred language in this process, but attempting to master one before you move on to others is often a wise decision.

5. Learn version control


In today’s world, it’s very rare that you work on a project alone. To collaborate with others, you need to learn something called version control!

Developers usually don’t dive into version control until they absolutely need to do so. However, as version control is necessary to work in a team, it’s a good idea to understand how it works and the basic commands that get you started early on..