Start Making Money By Analyzing Visitors And Statistics!


Earning on the internet with a blog can seem a very simple first thing, after a while, you understand how it is necessary to know different disciplines in order to maximize the revenue that comes from advertising or selling products. Whether they are your own products or are produced by others.
What do you need to know in order to start making money on the internet? 
First, you need to know at least the basics of the HTML, or at least how to write an effective anchor text in order to gain optimized backlinks. Knowing the fundamentals of how to write a web page is useful for effective SEO on-page optimization.
In fact, another discipline that must be mastered is the SEO, that is all that set of techniques that can bring our pages to the top of the pages of search engine results.
Then study research on optimizing the positioning of advertisements in the blog, what are the points that attract the most attention of the user, what are the most clicked advertising formats, how to choose colors and fonts of ads based on the structure, colors, and fonts used in your blog. The same guide of Adsense provides good indications; start from that and then experiment: in fact, what works for others may not work for your site.
Finally, you will have to study the psychology of visitors: there are three categories of visitors:
  1. those who just want to spend time surfing the internet
  2. those who have a social life online
  3. visitors from search engines that are divided in turn between those seeking information and those who want to buy a product.
To make money online you will need to understand how to make these different sources of traffic profitable. Those who surf just to spend some time do not bring money into your pocket; users of social networks and blogosphere are among those that you have to cultivate more, because they can bring work collaborations and can make you earn quotes and especially backlinks from other blogs or sites and can bring you traffic indirectly advising your site or blog to their acquaintances .
On the other hand, those who come from search engines, as I have repeatedly pointed out, are the visitors who will bring you more earnings from both the PPC ads and the purchase of the products you sell.
To understand the psychology of your visitors you will need to study the statistics of access to the blog or site, at least on a weekly basis: where they come from, what is their navigation path, how long they stop on the site, how many pages they read, what they are exit pages: doing so you also understand what direction your blog is taking.
Those who have come to read up here know that the most complete and customizable tool for statistics is google analytics, at least as far as client-side statistics are concerned.
If you have a site and not a blog hosted on a free platform like Blogspot, you can also use a server-side statistics tool like Awstat, which will give you different results than those provided by Google Analytics that cannot count visitors who have javascript disabled or any NoScript plugin.
One last tip, for those who want to start making money on the web, is to carefully observe what bloggers and the most famous internet marketers do and who are on the scene for a long time: their experience could save you months of unsuccessful experiments.
Therefore, carefully study the structure of the pages, the positioning, and layout of advertisements, how they relate to readers in comments, how they advertise their sites and their advertising campaigns, how they build effective landing pages. 

And above all, observe more what they do than what they write ...